“Association Right to Life”

Our organization for people with disabilities, association “Right to Life”, founded in 2005 by parents and friends of people with disabilities is located in Heraklion of Crete in Greece. Our goal is to help cover the multiple needs of people with disabilities (children and adults) and their families.
The organization is a member of the Panhellenic Federation of Associations of Parents and Guardians of People with Disabilities (Π.Ο.Σ.Γ.Κ.Α.μεΑ.), and is represented in the National Confederation of People with Disabilities (Ε.Σ.Α.μεΑ.). It is certified by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs as a non-profit provider of social care services.
The organization has a seven-member Board of Directors and is audited by a three-member audit committee. It submits an annual report to the Court of Audit, to the Social Department of the Municipality of Maleviziou and to the Regional Unit of Heraklion.

A. Structures – Actions

1. Day Care Center for People with Disabilities «Right to Life» in Ano Kalessa

In 2011 we started the operation of the Day Care Center for people with Disabilities «Right to Life in Ano Kalessa, The Center can assist 40 children and adults with mental or physical disabilities in both shifts (morning and afternoon).

The daily housing program of the Center, as part of a holistic intervention program, includes medical care, social services, individual care, individual and group therapy sessions (psychotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy), special education, individual and group physical exercise, creative entertainment, meal offering program, transportation to and from home. In addition, there are handicraft, painting, gymnastic and cooking therapy sessions.

The center organizes day trips to the city center and visits national parks, zoos, playgrounds, sports centers, aquariums, equestrian clubs, museums, etc. The center participates or organizes cultural or festival events either in or outside the center facilities. Furthermore, psychological support and counseling services are provided to the families of children and adults who attend the center.

The center has a team of qualified scientific associates including a psychiatrist, an administrative director, social workers, an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist, a speech therapist, psychologists, support staff, teaching staff, a nurse assistant, a patient carrier, secretaries, drivers and escorts.
The Center has two privately owned buses which are specially designed for people with mobility disabilities who use wheelchairs. All transportation staff has undertaken specific training for specialist transport including disability awareness, first aid, manual handling, vehicle evacuation, wheelchair safety system

2. Day Care Center for People with Disabilities «Right to Life» Municipality of Minoa Pediada, in Thrapsano

Our association operates a second Day Care Center for People with Disabilities, in a building in Thrapsano village witch provided by the Municipality of Minoa Pediados. With the economic support through the Leader program and with an addition amount of 50.000 euro from the Association’s fund, we managed to start the operation of this Center in 2017. The Daily Care Center can aid 50 children and adults with mental or physical disabilities in both shifts (morning and afternoon).

Since February 2017, the afternoon shift of the Center is in operation for 25 children and adults with disabilities. The specific operational program is co-financed by the European Social Fund until today. Since 2019, the morning shift of the Center is open for another 25 children and adults with disabilities.

The daycare program of the Center, includes medical care, social services, individual care, individual and group therapy sessions (psychotherapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physiotherapy), special education, individual and group physical exercise, creative entertainment, meal offering, transportation to and from home. In addition, there are handicraft, painting, gymnastic and cooking therapy sessions.

The center organizes day trips to the city center and visits to national parks, zoos, playgrounds, sports centers, aquariums, equestrian clubs, museums, etc. Furthermore, psychological support and counseling services are provided to the families of children and adults who attend the center.

The center has a team of qualified scientific associates including a psychiatrist, an administrative director, social workers, an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist, two speech therapists, two psychologists, support staff, teaching staff, a nurse assistant, a patient carrier, secretaries, drivers and escorts. The Center has three privately owned buses for the transportation of all the people with Disabilities.

Totally in both (2) Centers:

  • Currently 90 children and adults with Disabilities are supported
  • About 280 people indirectly benefit as the parents / guardians and siblings of those directly benefited
  • Five (5) buses with drivers and escorts transport more than 1300 km daily.
  • The people directly assisted are residents of five (5) Municipalities of the Regional Unit of Heraklion (Municipality of Heraklion, Malevizi, Hersonissos, Minoa Pediada, Archanes-Asterousia), from 26 different villages and four (4) large urban centers
  • For the high quality of services provided there are 50 specially trained employees.

3. Supported living units

The supported living shelters are now the permanent residence of people with disabilities in which they may reside after the age of 18.
Two supported living homes in Ano Kalesa are already ready and licensed. Each one will provide a permanent residence to 4 people with disabilities.
From 1st December 2021 the “Supported living Home Right to Life 1” started operating and “Supported living Home Right to Life 2” is expected to start operation in 2025. The operational resources needed were initially provided from European Social Funds.

4. The Associations ongoing action of providing orthopedical and rehabilitation equipment to uninsured citizens with disabilities.

5. The continuous support to families of people with disabilities in terms of health informing, policy guidance and disability benefits.

6. Creation of a new day care center for people “Right to life” in the settlement “Kelia” of the municipality of Archanes

7. Supply of two new specially designed buses for the transport of people with disabilities


Β. Immediate objectives/goals

1. Operation of new supported living units
The association is in search of flats and spaces in order to operate more supported living homes in the center city and other urban areas of Heraklion. The association’s attention is to offer the important service of supported living to more people with disabilities and their families

2. Building expansion of the day care center “Right to Life” in Ano Kalesa
The association attends to expand the Day Care center of people with disability Right to life in Ano Kalesa by adding a 144 sq.m building (building donated to us by the Association of Parents, Guardians and Friends of the Disabled «Sotiras») in order to support thirty more people with disabilities.

3.Continuous effort of creating the new day care center “Right to life” of Archanes Asterousia
There is a continuous effort to create the new KDHFAmea Right to life through the CLLD / LEADER program of the municipality HERAKLION and the cooperation with the Municipality of Archanes Asterousia and the Region of Crete.




C. Sources of Funding Resources

The associations income comes from:

1) the hospitalization reimbursement of the insured people with disabilities

2) the grant by the O.P of the Region of Crete and the NSRF 2017-2020 and the co-financing of the ESF for the 25 children with disabilities in Thrapsano Center

3) the annual grant from the Labour Ministry for the needs of certified non-profit social care providers

4) co-financed European and national sectoral programs and co-financed European and National programs by the operational program of the Region of Crete

The above sources of funding cover a significant part of the total costs required for the erect and uninterrupted provision of our services to people with disabilities and their families.

The remaining funds required for the operation of our Structures, for the planning and implementation of new actions and the acquisition of new goals set by the association are covered by donations and sponsorships.

For anyone wishing to support our work and vision, contact us at dikaiomastizoi@gmail.com.

Our vision

Our vision continues to be to give children with disability every opportunity to be trained, to help them remain in their safe family environment and avoid their institutionalization. We promote actions that lead to an autonomous safe environment in supported housing units for people with disabilities when families are no longer able to help and support them.

Bank account for donations:

Name of Bank: Eurobank EFG

ΙΒΑΝ: GR68 0260 3300 0001 8020 0360 021


Beneficiary Bank Name: Dikaioma sti Zoi






On the following links you can watch «Right to Life» on TV